Degrees When Due

Degrees When Due

Degrees When Due is a completion and equity initiative from the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) to help states and colleges increase degree attainment among the "some college, no degree" population. Missouri has been selected to join 20 other states to learn best practices for engaging students who have stopped out. More than 75,000 Missourians have been identified as having at least two years of college credit, but no awarded degree.

The following Missouri colleges and universities have signed on to be part of the Degrees When Due Cohort 2:

  • Avila University
  • Central Methodist University
  • East Central College
  • Harris-Stowe State University
  • Jefferson College
  • Lincoln University
  • Moberly Area Community College
  • Northwest Missouri State University
  • Southeast Missouri State University
  • University of Central Missouri
  • University of Missouri-Kansas City
  • University of Missouri-St. Louis


Recent Statewide Conference Calls:

State Liaison:

Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
(573) 751-1798