Blue Eye named School of Excellence by ACT’s American College Application Campaign


Apply Missouri program helps high school seniors apply to college


Blue Eye High School received national recognition for its work to increase the number of high school seniors applying to college through the Apply Missouri program.

The Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development (MDHEWD) awarded Blue Eye and School Counselor Kristy Linscott with the 2021 American College Application Campaign School of Excellence Award during the district school board meeting on Wednesday, April 20.

“Our mission is to put Missourians on a path to learn, work, and prosper. This mission would not be possible without the teachers, counselors, and advisers, interacting with and encouraging students every day,” said Jessica Duren, Assistant Commissioner for Communications & Outreach. “Of 84 schools hosting Apply Missouri events, Blue Eye stood out this year for innovative ideas and extra effort to reach its high school seniors.”

Kristy Linscott received recognition for going above and beyond to serve students, making an effort to reach every member of the senior class during the school day. She helped students understand their options for after high school and gave them opportunities to ask questions, make plans, and complete applications.

The American College Application Campaign (ACAC), which is part of ACT’s Center for Equity in Learning, selected Blue Eye based on three criteria:

  • its commitment to student success;
  • for serving as an exemplary model within the state’s college application campaign; and
  • for timely submission of data.


Apply Missouri is one of three Journey to College programs designed to help students plan and pay for college. In fall 2021, more than 80 high schools hosted Apply Missouri events, with over 3,200 college applications submitted.


About the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development: The department works to empower Missourians with the skills and education needed for success. More information about MDHEWD can be found at or on Facebook and Twitter @MoDHEWD.