Coordinating Board for Higher Education conducts March meeting, votes to expand Fast Track eligible programs


Last week, the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development (MDHEWD) hosted the Coordinating Board for Higher Education (CBHE) for the March board meeting, offering updates on legislation, the budget, and Missouri’s progress related to educational attainment and labor participation.

The department also invited Trevor Foley, Director of the Missouri Department of Corrections (MODOC), along with other key members of MODOC and MDHEWD staff working together to provide Reentry Services to justice-involved Missourians. This program, called Reentry 2030, aims to ensure successful reintegration for the 13,000 justice-involved Missourians who are released from incarceration each year.

Panelists shared data regarding the importance of removing barriers to job readiness and employment and provided information about how departments work together to provide support and resources to help ensure justice-involved individuals are prepared to reenter the workforce. Dr. Rita Gulstad, Central Methodist University (CMU) Provost, also shared CMU’s support services and online academic programming for nearly 300 incarcerated Missourians, along with powerful success stories.

“Reentry 2030 is an excellent example of how impactful our services can be when departments join forces,” said Dr. Bennett Boggs, Commissioner of the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development. “Our department can connect these individuals to services prior to their release, which helps them find and sustain quality employment. Reports show that 85 percent of incarcerated Missourians are employed within 30 days of release as a result of these efforts so far, which is something we are incredibly proud to be a part of.”

During the March 5 meeting, the CBHE also voted to add somatic bodywork and related therapeutic services to the list of eligible programs for the Fast Track Incentive Program. Students studying in an approved program will be eligible to receive assistance through Fast Track starting in fall 2025.

The Fast Track Workforce Incentive Program addresses workforce needs by providing grants to adult students as they pursue a certificate, degree, or industry-recognized credential in an area designated as high need. The newly approved program will include degrees and certificates in therapeutic services that focus on mind-body healing to aid with recovery.

“With this addition, even more Missourians will be eligible for help as they look to build or advance their careers,” added Dr. Boggs. “Our priority is to help Missourians get the skills and education they need to succeed, and we appreciate the board’s unwavering support as we continue to work towards this goal."

Individuals who have not already earned a bachelor’s degree, are at least 25 years old or have not been enrolled in any school within the last two years, and who meet certain income requirements can apply for Fast Track. This program is designed to ensure, when combined with other governmental financial aid, that tuition and fees are fully covered.

More information about the March board meeting, including meeting materials presented, can be found on the MDHEWD website