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September 15, 2023

MDHEWD awarded $5 million grant to help Missourians land high-quality jobs

A $5 million grant awarded to the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development (MDHEWD) will help Missourians get high-quality jobs in growing industries. 

The U.S. Department of Labor announced Thursday that MDHEWD will receive $5 million in the form of a Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy and Training (QUEST) Disaster Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant.

MDHEWD will work directly with higher education institutions across the state to provide students with necessary wraparound services to remove barriers they may be facing that might otherwise cause them not to complete their training. Wraparound services may include assistance with child care, transportation, housing, or other supportive services to address barriers. Training services may include tuition assistance, on-the-job training, and registered apprenticeships.

The grant will support unemployed and underemployed Missourians to access, return to, or advance in high-quality jobs in infrastructure, environment and climate, the care economy, and other critical and growing industries.

"This grant provides MDHEWD a tremendous opportunity to assist more Missourians in receiving the education and training they need to have prosperous careers," said Dr. Ben Boggs, commissioner of higher education and workforce development. "We will help Missouri's underserved populations while also supporting the state's booming industries." 

"MDHEWD is excited for the opportunity to provide assistance to postsecondary students in completing a credential or degree by removing barriers that might preclude them from completing their education,” said Julie Carter, director of the Office of Workforce Development.

Missouri is one of 12 states awarded a QUEST Disaster Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant for this funding cycle.