Academic Program Review
Academic Program Actions Review and Change Forms
Academic Program Review Policy and Process Documents
MDHEWD staff is involved in the approval of new academic program proposals, changes to existing programs, and the off-site delivery of existing programs by public institutions. The department also reviews and offers comments on programs from independent institutions. Relevant policies and process documents are linked below:
- Missouri Revised Statute ยง173.005.2(2) Department of Higher Education duties
- Code of State Regulations 6CSR 10-4.010 Submission of Academic Information, Data and New Programs
Academic Program Actions Web Portal Instructions
Use the forms below for planning purposes. Please do not submit program information to the department on these forms. Use the Academic Program Actions web portal:
Review Types:
(1) Staff Review (public and independent institutions)
Review applies to minor program changes to existing academic programs such as:
- Inactive status
- Program deletion
- Change of program title or CIP code
- Combination programs
- Single-semester certificate programs
- One-year certificate programs with a parent degree
- Options (adding or deleting)
- Change of address notification
- Closed location notification
(2) Routine Review (public and independent institutions)
The routine review process is for new academic program proposals that:
- Fall clearly within the institution's CBHE-approved mission;
- Will be offered within the proposing institution's CBHE-approved service region (two-year public institutions);
- Does not apply to independent institutions
- Will not unnecessarily duplicate an existing program in the applicable geographic area;
- Will be offered at the main campus or at a CBHE-approved off-site location (four-year public institutions);
- Does not apply to independent institutions
- Build on existing programs and faculty expertise; and
- Certify that the cost to launch the program will be minimal and within the institution's current operating budget.
Timeline for Submission
For staff and routine review requests submitted by the first of the month, MDHEWD will review, process, and report back to institutions by the end of the same month. For example, requests submitted by August 1 should be completed and in most cases, institutions notified on or around September 1. New program proposals submitted for routine review will be posted for public comment for 20 days. Submit public comments about proposed new programs here: Once all comments/concerns are resolved, the commissioner of higher education shall approve the program provisionally for five years (public institutions only). At the end of the five year period, the department will review the program to determine whether it should be approved unconditionally, remain provisionally approved, or be terminated (public institutions only).
(3) Comprehensive Review (public institutions only)
Provisional Review of Academic Programs
Effective July 1, 2011, the CBHE will give provisional approval to new academic programs. The MDHEWD will review the program five years from the date of its provisional approval. If this review indicates that the program is not performing as expected, the CBHE may recommend the termination of the program, unless there are compelling justifications (i.e., central to institutional mission; supports other programs; meets statewide needs) for continuing the program.
For the five-year review, the MDHEWD will request that an institution provide enrollment, graduation and staffing data for the program, as well as a brief summary of program performance. If the program is performing as well as or better than the projections in the original program proposal, the MDHEWD will recommend that the CBHE approve the program without conditions.
For additional information regarding academic program review and approval, please contact Alicia Erickson, Research Analyst, at (573) 751-1764 or