In conjunction with Missouri's statewide attainment and workforce goals as identified in its strategic plan, the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development, in collaboration with partners throughout the state, launched the Adult Learner Network (ALN) Collaborative in January 2022.
It is imperative that postsecondary institutions and employers/industries work together to serve adults, especially as the state addresses economic recovery. The Adult Learner Network will help achieve Missouri's Big Goal of being the Best in the Midwest in educational attainment and workforce participation by 2030.
The ALN Collaborative is the planning team that supports the Adult Learner Network and sets the priorities, strategies, and deliverables for the Network. The Adult Learner Network supports the development of educational opportunities that match the unique needs and goals of adults. This initiative will allow adults to achieve work success, build a better quality of life, and adapt to a complex and ever-changing world.

The Adult Learner Network will help transform postsecondary education for adult learners to succeed in greater numbers.
Currently the ALN Collaborative is focusing on four priorities.
- Create a common definition and language around adult learners.
Higher education institutions and workforce will work together to create a common language. - Understand adult learners and their needs.
The Collaborative is currently exploring how to collect this important information and disseminate across the state for use. - Create and utilize the Adult Learner Network.
The Collaborative just began meeting and is in the works to build a statewide network that engages anyone working with or invested in serving adult learners. Stay tuned for more information! - Innovate / Change the educational model.
Current educational programs and support services do not universally serve the needs of adults. This team is exploring education that works for adults, and how those strategies may be implemented at institutions.
Strategic Plan
Student Journey Mapping
Spread the Word!

Help us share information and drive excitement around the ALN by following the LinkedIn Adult Learner Network and by using the #MOAdultLearners hashtag on social media. Because this is a new initiative, gaining support and recognition will help increase involvement and build support for change.
Want to be involved? Contact Triyanna Davoren, Senior Program Specialist, at triyanna.davoren@dhewd.mo.gov.
Current Collaborative Partners
- Avila University
- Central Methodist University
- Columbia College
- Drury University
- East Central College
- Education Strategy Group
- Educational Opportunity Center of Kansas City
- Harris-Stowe State University
- Higher Education Consortium of St. Louis
- Jefferson College
- KC Scholars
- Kansas City Public Library
- Lindenwood University
- LiteracyKC
- Maryville University
- Metropolitan Community College
- Mineral Area College
- Missouri Baptist University
- Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Missouri College and Career Attainment Network
- Missouri Scholarship and Loan Foundation
- Missouri Southern State University
- Missouri State University
- Missouri University of Science and Technology
- Missouri Western State University
- Moberly Area Community College
- North Central Missouri College
- Northwest Missouri State University
- Ozarks Technical Community College
- Park University
- St. Louis Community College
- St. Louis University
- Truman State University
- University of Central Missouri
- University of Missouri System
- University of Missouri - Columbia
- University of Missouri - Kansas City
- University of Missouri - St. Louis
- Urban Education Research Center at UMKC
- Washington University
- Webster University
- Western Governors University
- Westminster University
- William Woods University
- Workforce Development Board of Northern Missouri