Building Missouri's Future

Big Goals for Missouri

Building Missouri's Future: An updated strategic plan to provide pathways and reduce barriers to educational attainment and workforce participation, is Missouri's newly updated strategic plan for higher education and workforce development. Released in March 2025, the plan will guide initiatives and priorities in Missouri as the department continues its pursuit to be the best among other Midwestern states in educational attainment and workforce participation. The original strategic plan was created in 2021 using data to determine statewide needs and compare Missouri to other Midwestern states. It outlines a comprehensive plan for education, training, and the public workforce system in order to encourage economic growth and personal success among Missourians.

In order to meet workforce demands and continue to help our citizens compete in a global economy, Missouri will strive to be the best among other Midwestern states in educational attainment and labor force participation by 2030.

A skilled, prepared, and motivated workforce is necessary to attract and retain businesses in Missouri. The department recognizes all training opportunities beyond high school as highly valuable. Apprenticeships and on-the-job training, short-term certificates, associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees, and beyond all contribute to the economic health of the state.

Demand for workers with some form of postsecondary credential remains higher than the number of Missourians with those credentials. By 2032, 65% of jobs in Missouri will require education and training beyond a high school diploma, with 30% requiring a bachelor's degree or higher.

The benefits of increased education go beyond a paycheck. Postsecondary credentials continue to be good for communities as a whole – contributing to better health, a more engaged citizenry, lower incarceration rates, among others. Creating opportunities and removing barriers to education and training will help the state fill skills gaps and support the economy.

Two main goals were established within the strategic plan: to reach 60 percent educational attainment and 70 percent labor force participation. Missouri's current status* is listed below:

Big goal updates. Totals for 2025 52.2% educational and 63.1% labor force

*Status reflects the latest data available, which is from 2023



2023 Update