The following provides information for individuals and institutions that want to offer postsecondary education in Missouri, schools currently approved to operate, and students and prospective students.  The central focus of the Proprietary School Certification Program is consumer protection. This is accomplished through the establishment of standards for school operation and monitoring of those operations to ensure students are treated in a fair and equitable manner and receive education and training consistent with the published objectives of the instructional programs and the school. Use the links below and on the right to access the most commonly used pages, including how to apply for initial approval to operate in Missouri.


New Fee Structure Starting July 1, 2024.

Beginning July 1, 2024, the Proprietary School Certification Program will implement a new fee structure for applications to operate, program reviews, and substantive changes. Please review the attached document for more information about the new fees.

Getting Started as a School in Missouri

Any school or training facility that is not specifically exempted from the law must be certified to operate to offer instruction, grant certificates or degrees, or recruit students in the state of Missouri. In order to comply with this requirement, schools must apply for exemption from or certification to operate under the proprietary school regulations. It is important to note that proprietary as contained in the program title is somewhat of a misnomer as profit-making status is not a primary factor in determining if a school is subject to the certification requirements.

Initial Certification

This link is for individuals or schools wanting to become certified to operate. It will take you to more detailed information about becoming certified to operate in Missouri, including how to begin the application process and access to other related resources.

Operating Standards

This link will take you to an overview of the standards established by the MDHEWD for certification to operate. While primarily applicable to applicant and currently operating schools, this information may also be of interest to students and parents.


Certain types of schools are not subject to the certification program requirements. Exemption, as this status is called, must be granted by the MDHEWD based on the submission of an application. This link takes you to a more detailed explanation of the exemption process and eligibility criteria.

New School/Exemption Application Process

If you are interested in starting a school in Missouri, approval to recruit Missouri students, or applying for exemption, visit the application information on EDvera, our online workflow system.

Monitoring School Operations

Proprietary School Certification Program staff conduct regular on-site evaluations of schools. These evaluations include interviews with faculty and staff, observation of classes and school operations, surveys of students and graduates, and reviews of institutional and student records.

Substantive Changes Reporting

This section provides access to information about how to report and the necessary forms for reporting a variety of changes at the school.

Initial Certification

This link is for individuals or schools wanting to become certified to operate. It will take you to more detailed information about becoming certified to operate in Missouri, including how to begin the application process and access to other related resources.

Operating Standards

Selection Task ID Type Title Status Assigned To Assigned Team Description Start Date Time Closed Date Time


Recertification 2025 - 2026

The next recertification cycle opens January 1, 2025. Complete applications are due by March 15, 2025; failure to submit the complete recertification application documents will result in late fees.



Closed School Transcript Information

The Proprietary School Certification Program strives to maintain information on closed schools in Missouri. In some instances, the Department maintains the actual records although it make no claims for having records in their entirety.



If your records are available from the DHEWD, you will be directed to submit $10 (payable via electronic payment, check, or money order) for each official transcript, Checks and money orders should be made payable to the Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development.  Do not submit payment unless you have been advised your records are available at the DHEWD.


Information for CDL Schools

Schools offering or seeking to offer entry-level CDL programs must ensure policies meet or exceed the minimum guidelines established by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Failure to meet minimum standards may result in denial of these programs by the Department.  Please click here for information.


Consumer Information

Consumer information about this sector of education, including a closed school FAQ and information on how to choose a school.


Explanation of what accreditation is and information about a number of recognized accrediting commissions.

Diploma Mills

Information about substandard educational entities and tips about how to avoid being deceived by such organizations and links to listings of accredited institutions in the United States and recognized institutions in Canada.

Colleges and Degrees

Information about a Missouri postsecondary education institution or programs offered in Missouri.