College and Career Readiness

College and Career Readiness

High school graduates who are “college and career ready” are prepared to succeed in higher education or take the next steps necessary to pursue a specific career.

College-ready students possess the skills, knowledge and abilities needed to complete entry-level college coursework and move onto higher-level courses. Career-ready students are prepared to successfully work toward a chosen career. That work could include college or vocational training courses, industry certification or direct entry into the workforce.

In 2012, Missouri created a Task Force on College and Career Readiness to specifically define what it means to be “college and career ready.” The task force – which includes representatives from colleges, universities and high schools throughout the state – has developed a set of recommendations to help students prepare for college and a career. The recommendations are also designed to help colleges and universities unify their policies regarding college readiness.

College and Career Readiness Reports