Wartime Veteran’s Survivors Grant Program

American flag and soldier

The Wartime Veteran’s Survivor Grants are available annually to children and spouses of Veterans whose deaths or injuries were:

  • a result of combat action or were attributed to an illness that was contracted while serving in combat action, or
  • who became 80 percent disabled as a result of injuries or accidents sustained in combat action since Sept. 11, 2001.

The children and spouses of Missouri resident combat veterans deployed for active duty service on or after September 11, 2001 may also be eligible if the veteran received a DD214 indicating a combat pay tax exclusion exemption, or pay for hazardous duty, imminent danger, or hostile fire.  The total number of students that may receive a grant in any year is limited by statute to 25. The veteran must have been a Missouri resident when first entering the military service or at the time of death or injury. The Missouri Veteran’s Commission determines whether the veteran meets the program’s requirements.

Do I qualify?

A “qualifying military member” is any member of the military of the United States, whether active duty, reserve, or National Guard, who served in the military after September 11, 2001, during a time of war and for whom the following criteria apply:

  • Was a Missouri resident when first entering the military service or at the time of death or injury;
  • Died or was injured as a result of combat action or a veteran's death or injury was certified by the Department of Veterans' Affairs medical authority to be attributable to an illness or accident that occurred while serving in combat, or the veteran became eighty (80) percent disabled as a result of injuries or accidents sustained in combat action after September 11, 2001; and
  • Was a “combat veteran” meaning a Missouri resident deployed for active duty service on or after September 11, 2001, and received a DD214 demonstrating the Veteran received a combat pay tax exclusion exemption, hazardous duty pay, imminent danger pay, or hostile fire pay.
Am I eligible?

To be eligible for assistance, you must meet the following eligibility requirements at the time of application and throughout the period in which you receive the award.

Initial StudentsRenewal Students
  • Be a United States citizen, permanent resident, or otherwise lawfully present in the United States.
  • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment at least half-time as an undergraduate student in a participating public college or university.
  • Be the veteran’s spouse at the time of death or injury or within five years subsequent to the injury.
  • Be the veteran's child (natural, adopted, or stepchild) who is less than 25 years of age.
    • You may continue to be eligible through the end of the semester in which you turn 25 OR the receipt of your first bachelor's degree, whichever occurs first.
    • You must have been a dependent of the veteran at the time of death or injury or within five years subsequent to the injury.
    • Complete and submit all requested eligibility information.
  • Continue to meet the eligibility requirements for initial students, AND
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 and otherwise maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined by the school.
How much can I receive?

Awards are available by academic year (fall and spring semesters only).  Your maximum grant amount each semester will be the sum of the following:

  • The lesser of the actual tuition charged for the number of hours in which you are enrolled OR the amount of tuition charged a Missouri resident enrolled in the same number of hours at the University of Missouri Columbia.
  • An allowance of up to $2,000 per semester for room and board; and
  • The lesser of the actual cost for your books OR $500.

For example: If the tuition at your school is $4,000, the tuition at the University of Missouri is $3,000, and your books cost $450, the maximum amount you would be eligible to receive would be $5,450.

$3,000 tuition (the lesser of $4,000 and $3,000)
$2,000 maximum room and board allowance (or the actual may be less)
$   450 books (the lesser of $500 and $450)
$5,450 maximum award per semester

Grant recipients may transfer from one approved public institution to another.  If you transfer to a different school, your award amount may change based on the tuition at the school to which you transfer.

Awards are provided based on funding availability up to the 25 student limit, with priority given to renewal students.  Applicants are ranked first by renewal status and then by earliest complete application received date. Students who cannot be paid because funds are not available or the 25 student limit has been reached will be placed on a waiting list.

If there are insufficient funds to maintain the maximum award level for awarded students, the $2,000 room and board allowance for each semester ($4,000 annually) will be reduced equally for all recipients. 

At the beginning of each semester, your school will verify your eligibility. The verification process takes about three weeks. Once your eligibility is verified, the MDHEWD will send your award to your school.  Generally fall payments will be sent in mid-September and spring payments will be sent by early February. Awards are not available during summer terms and must be received in the academic year in which they are offered.

How can I apply?

The application is available electronically through the State Financial Aid Portal for the 2023 - 2024 academic year.  

To request a paper copy of the application to complete, please contact the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development at (800) 473-6757, option 4.

Some sections of the application must be completed by a third party.  Read the application instructions carefully to ensure all sections are completed by the appropriate party when required based on whether you are an initial, renewal, or transfer student.

It is important to check your application for completeness prior to submission.  The order in which applicants are awarded is determined based on the date the completed application is received.  If your application must be returned for completion, the rank order of your award will be determined based on the receipt date of the corrected, complete application, not the receipt date of the original, incomplete application.  The Financial Aid Office Certification form is separate from the application and its receipt date will not affect the rank order of your award.

2023-2024 Application Deadlines

Renewal StudentsInitial Students

The priority renewal application deadline is May 1, 2023.  The Financial Aid Office Certification Form is due June 1, 2023, if application is made before that date.

Complete applications received by the deadline are assured of award priority.  Applications received after this date will be considered but will be ranked with initial applicants based on earliest complete application received date.

There is no application deadline for initial applicants.  However, since the program is limited to 25 recipients, applying early is encouraged.
How will I know if I am eligible?

The MDHEWD will provide notice to you of your eligibility in spring or as soon as possible after your eligible application is processed, whichever is later.  

The school you are attending determines final eligibility at the time the grant funds are requested each semester.

How will I know if I am awarded or placed on the waiting list?

The MDHEWD will provide notice to you of your award or placement on the waiting list in early summer, once the majority of applicants are known and the governor has signed the appropriations bill.

The waiting list will be re-evaluated in early spring, once actual fall and spring payments are known.  Students on the waiting list will be paid in rank order as remaining funds and the 25 recipient maximum allow.

Placement on the waiting list is academic year specific.  This means your rank order and placement on the waiting list can change from year to year as the received date of your completed application changes from year to year.

When will I receive my award?

If you are awarded, your school will verify your eligibility at the beginning of each semester. The verification process takes about three weeks. Once your eligibility is verified, the MDHEWD will send your award to your school.  Generally fall payments will be sent in mid-September and spring payments will be sent by early February. Awards are not available during summer terms and must be received in the academic year in which they are offered.

The waiting list will be re-evaluated in early spring, once actual fall and spring payments are known.  Students on the waiting list will be paid in rank order as remaining funds and the 25 recipient maximum allow.

How do I renew my award?

The MDHEWD sends notifications to renewal students in early spring each year. You can complete the electronic application in the State Financial Aid Portal or contact the MDHEWD for an application at (800) 473-6757, option 4.  Click here for information about the portal, including instructions for creating an account and submitting an application.

The grant may be renewed annually until you complete your first bachelor’s degree.  If you are the veteran’s child, the grant may be renewed through the semester in which you turn 25 years of age or completion of your first bachelor's degree, whichever occurs first.

How do I transfer my award?

You may transfer your eligibility to any participating school.  If you choose to transfer to a different participating Missouri institution between semesters, you must complete an electronic application for a transfer student which is available in the State Financial Aid Portal.  Your award amount may change as a result of the transfer. However, the receipt date of the transfer application will not affect your rank order.