The Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development partners with high school and colleges to help students be successful as they plan and pay for college. High schools can host Apply Missouri, FAFSA Frenzy and Decision Day events and activities to help students plan for college, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, and make final plans for after high school graduation. Colleges and college access groups can also host FAFSA Frenzy events.
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Register now to host Journey to College programs
Sign up now to host Apply Missouri, FAFSA Frenzy, and/or Decision Day events for 2024-25.
Please register your event at least three weeks ahead of time to ensure it is added to our website, the FAFSA Frenzy volunteer registration, and to allow enough time for materials and promotional items to be shipped.

Apply Missouri provides assistance during the regular school day to help students determine the higher education institutions that best meet their needs and submit admissions applications. The program promotes a college-going culture and helps create important communication channels between students and higher education institutions.
High schools generally host Apply Missouri events during September and October.

FAFSA Frenzy offers free, one-on-one professional assistance to help students and families complete the Free Application for Student Financial Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is the primary form used by federal, state, and college and university financial assistance programs to determine a student’s eligibility for grants, scholarships, loans and work-study programs.
High schools, colleges and community organizations host FAFSA Frenzy activities October through January.

Decision Day celebrates seniors’ plans for college, career, or military service. The program encourages seniors to finalize and follow through on their plans for the future and helps build interest in college among younger students.
High schools host Decision Day events on or near May 1, the date by which most seniors must notify a college of their plans to enroll.

It's never too early for students to start thinking about future careers. The Journey to College programs have expanded to elementary and middle school students after 22 schools participated in a pilot program in Spring 2020. Free materials and resources are available to help support college and career-oriented activities.
Questions? Contact us at JourneytoCollege@dhewd.mo.gov.