What is a deferment? A deferment is a period of time when your payments on your federal student loan(s) are postponed. Deferment types can vary depending on the type of loan and when the loan was received. For more information about deferment eligibility, contact your loan holder or servicer(s).



The federal government will pay the interest on your Federal Perkins Loans, Direct Subsidized Loans and Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans during periods of authorized deferment.


You are responsible for paying all interest on Direct Unsubsidized Loans, Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans and Federal PLUS Loans, which accrues during authorized periods of deferment. Please note, if you do NOT make interest payments during your authorized deferment, the accrued interest will be added to your principal balance when your deferment ends, increasing your total debt.


Requesting a deferment

  • Contact your loan holder or servicer(s). You should use the National Student Loan Data System to determine the servicer(s) of your loan(s) and your total debt if you do not know this information. You will need your FSA ID to access your NSLDS records. You may also retrieve this information by calling 800-4FED-AID (1-800-433-3243).

  • Provide all required documentation.

  • Keep a copy of your deferment request and documentation, and follow up with your loan holder until your deferment is granted or denied.

  • Do NOT stop making payments until you receive notice from your loan holder or servicer that your deferment is granted.
  • Know when your deferment is scheduled to end and the date you must begin making payments again.


If you do not qualify for a deferment but are having difficulty repaying your federal student loan, be sure to contact your loan holder or servicer for help.