Public Service Officer or Employee's Child Survivor Grant Program

This program provides tuition assistance to certain public employees and their families if the employee is killed or permanently and totally disabled in the line of duty.

Am I Eligible?

To be eligible as an initial or renewal student, you must:

  • Be either:
    • A public safety officer permanently and totally disabled in the line of duty,
    • A spouse of a public safety officer or employee killed or permanently and totally disabled in the line of duty, or
    • A child (natural, adopted or stepchild) of a public safety officer or employee killed or permanently and totally disabled in the line of duty;
  • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full time (12 credit hours) undergraduate student in a participating Missouri postsecondary school. Students with disabilities may be considered full-time when enrolled in at least six credit hours;
  • Be less than 24 years of age (applies to dependent children only);
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined by the school;
  • Be a Missouri resident and a United States citizen or permanent resident;
  • Not be pursuing a degree or certificate in theology or divinity; and
  • Not have obtained a bachelor's degree.

Public safety officers include firefighters, State Fire Marshall’s office uniformed employees, emergency medical technicians, police officers, capitol police officers, parole officers, probation officers, state correctional employees, water safety officers, conservation officers, park rangers, or highway patrolmen employed by Missouri or a political subdivision of the state, or any emergency medical technician, air ambulance pilot, air ambulance registered professional nurse, air ambulance registered respiratory therapist, and air ambulance flight crew member.

An employee is any full-time Missouri Department of Transportation employee engaged in the construction or maintenance of the state's highways, roads, and bridges.

A permanent and total disability is a disability that renders the person unable to engage in any gainful work.

If you are a dependent child, you will remain eligible through the semester in which you turn 24, unless you have already received your first bachelor's degree by that time.

How much can I receive?

The maximum semester grant amount will be the lesser of the following:

  • Actual tuition charged for 12 credit hours at the school where you are enrolled full time, OR
  • Amount of tuition for 12 credit hours charged to an undergraduate Missouri resident enrolled full time in the same class level and in the same academic major at the University of Missouri-Columbia.

If you transfer to a different school, your award amount may change based on the tuition at the school to which you transfer.

Awards are provided based on funding availability and are made based on the earliest application received dates. Historically, there has been enough funding to pay all eligible applicants.

Awards are not available during summer terms.

How can I apply?

Download the Public Safety Officer or Employee's Child Survivor Grant Program Application shere, or contact the MDHEWD. Return the completed application to: Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development, Attn: Public Safety Officer Survivor Grant, P.O. Box 1469, Jefferson City, MO 65102-1469.  If your employment type is not listed in Section V of the application contact MDHEWD at 800-473-6757, option 4.

The application is also available electronically through the State Financial Aid Portal.  

There is no application deadline; however, early submission of the completed application is encouraged. Some sections of the application must be completed by a third party.  Read the application instructions carefully to ensure all sections are completed by the appropriate party when required based on whether you are an initial, renewal, or transfer student.

How will I know if I am eligible?

The MDHEWD will provide notice to you of your eligibility. The school you are attending determines final eligibility at the time the grant funds are requested each semester.

How will I receive my award?

At the beginning of each semester your school will certify that you are enrolled full time and meet the other eligibility requirements. The certification process will typically take about three weeks. If your school verifies you are eligible, the MDHEWD will send your award to your school and they will deliver it to you. Generally, you should receive your fall payment by early October and your spring payment by mid-February.

How do I renew my award?

The MDHEWD sends applications to renewal students in late spring or early summer each year. You can also download the application or contact the MDHEWD for an application at (800) 473-6757, option 4.

How do I transfer my award?

You may transfer your eligibility to any participating school. If you choose to transfer to a different participating Missouri institution between semesters, you must complete another application.