Applying to college can be daunting, especially for students who may be the first in their family to attend college, are low income, are traditionally underrepresented in higher education. The Apply Missouri program helps seniors at participating high schools navigate the college application process.
Host an Apply Missouri event
Register now to host an Apply Missouri event at your school. Apply Missouri is generally offered during September and October each fall. Please register your event at least three weeks in advance to ensure it is added to our website, and to allow enough time for materials and promotional items to be shipped.
By offering Apply Missouri activities within the normal school day, your school can ensure that every senior has the opportunity to receive hands-on assistance so they take the first big step toward continuing their education beyond high school. Apply Missouri can help students decide which colleges best meet their needs and submit admissions applications. This program can contribute to a college-going culture at your high school, generating excitement and engagement among students.
The Site Coordinator Resource Manual is now available to help you host a successful event. The manual covers all three Journey to College programs and contains student worksheets, ideas for activities, fillable templates, printable fliers, tips for organizing and promoting your activities, and other materials.
You may direct any questions or concerns to journeytocollege@dhewd.mo.gov.
Apply Missouri Background
The Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development and the Missouri College Advising Corps piloted this program at 26 high schools around the state during October 2013. The Missouri College Advising Corps is made up of recent college graduates who work in high schools with large percentages of students at risk of not going to college. The 2013 pilot program was successful, with an average of 70 percent of pilot schools' seniors participating in at least one activity. More than 2,000 seniors submitted approximately 3,600 admissions applications. This is the seventh year Apply Missouri has been held at Missouri high schools. During the first six years of the program, Apply Missouri helped more than 18,000 students submit at least one college application. Apply Missouri is part of the American College Application Campaign.