Dual Credit / Dual Enrollment Scholarship For Students

The Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Scholarship covers tuition and fees for high school students taking dual credit or dual enrollment coursework from an approved provider. 

Am I eligible?

To be eligible for assistance you must meet the following requirements. Please note the requirements related to A+ eligibility have been removed based on the 2022 changes.

  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and a Missouri resident
  • Enroll in dual credit/dual enrollment classes through an approved Missouri college or university
  • Have a minimum 2.5 unweighted, cumulative high school grade point average and have otherwise met the high school’s requirements for taking dual credit or dual enrollment classes
    • You must submit a copy of your high school transcript to verify you have met the GPA requirement. This documentation is only required once per year.
  • Meet one or more of the following indicators of financial need:
    • Immediate family eligible for free and reduced lunch
      • If all students in your school are eligible for free or reduced lunch, you cannot qualify on this need indicator unless your family meets the free and reduced lunch program requirements. You must provide a copy of your approval letter from your high school
    • Living in a foster home
      • You must provide a copy of your Custody Verification form
        CD276 from the Children’s Division of the Department of Social Services (DSS).
    • Ward of the state
      • You must provide a copy of your court order.
    • Homeless as defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
      • You must provide a letter from your high school certifying you to be homeless.
    • Immediate family receiving low income public assistance (SNAP, WIC, etc.)
      • You must provide a copy of this year’s approval letter from DSS indicating you are receiving low income public assistance.
    • Living in federal subsidized public housing
      • You must provide a copy of your HUD-50058 Family Report.
Is the scholarship limited to certain dual credit or dual enrollment providers?

Students can receive the scholarship for dual credit or dual enrollment courses taken from most Missouri public and private colleges and universities that offer such coursework. 

How much can I receive?

Semester award amounts are based on the actual tuition and fees charged for the dual credit or dual enrollment coursework after all non-loan aid, such as a dual credit or dual enrollment scholarship from a postsecondary institution or third party, is applied.  As a result, awards will vary by student, depending on the number of hours of dual credit/dual enrollment coursework the student is enrolled in and the per credit hour tuition rate charged.  Awards for a single student may also vary by semester, again depending on the student’s enrollment and tuition rate(s) charged.  If you’re taking dual credit or dual enrollment courses from more than one approved college or university, you can receive the scholarship at each one.

This is a sample award calculation for a semester:

Dual Credit / Dual Enrollment ProviderCourseHours EnrolledCredit Hour RateTotal TuitionFeesNon-Loan AidAward
Best Choice UniversityEnglish I3$75$225(3 x $75)$25$100$150
($225 + $25 - $100)
Best Fit UniversityHistory I3$70$210
(3 x $70)
($210 + $25 - $0)
 Total Award$385
($150 + $235)

Awards are subject to funding availability. If there are insufficient funds to award all students, awards will be made in the order of earliest application received date.

How do I apply?

The application is available electronically through the State Financial Aid Portal.

To Apply:

  • Login to the State Financial Aid Portal.
  • Select the Estimate Eligibility link in the menu at the top of the page.
  • Select the appropriate academic year from the “Select an academic year” dropdown menu.
  • Click the Apply link in the Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Scholarship row of the table.

You must upload documentation that you meet one of the need criteria as listed above in the “Am I Eligible” section. A release form signed by your parent or legal guardian will also be required to complete your application.  In addition, you must upload a copy of your high school transcript. This documentation is only required once per year.  Submission of federal adjusted gross income (AGI) documentation is no longer required.

The application deadlines are:

Fall (August to December): October 1 is the priority deadline for the fall semester each year.  Applications received after that date and on or before December 1 will be considered based on funding availability.  

Spring (January to May): February 1 is the priority deadline for the spring semester each year. Applications received after that date and on or before April 1 will be considered based on funding availability.